Elephant Apple – An Amazing Fruit for Mankind


By Nabarun Paul and Pawan K Kaushik


            Dilleniaindica locally known as “Chalta” belongs to the familyDilleniaceae.It is commonly known as the ‘Elephant Apple’, being highly palatable to the local wild elephants. The fruit is widely consumed as an important ingredient in daily recipes by the various tribes and other rural communities.

Chalta is an evergreen shrub grows extensively in the wilderness of South-East Asia in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand confer numerous excellent benefits for health such as preventing kidney ailments, slowing down ageing and lowering blood pressure etc. Although with health benefits it is also rich in cultural aspects which have developed a natural relationship between the plant and people. The tree possesses a large crown and beautiful white aromatic flowers which has been used in countries like Brazil primarily for ornamental purposes. The entire plant is used for medicinal purposes in Asia and the fruits are used in the cuisine. The fruit is large, oblong and greenish-yellow in colour which is used to prepare curries, pickle, jams, jellies and juice both ripe and unripe. The fruit is very rich in vitamin C, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, potassium, healthy fats, amino acids, proteins and also low in cholesterol. Chalta abounds in beneficial phytochemicals namely tannins, saponins, flavonoids, triterpenoids and phenolics which supply powerful anticancer, antibacterial antioxidant characteristics.

The aerial parts of chalta, when prepared for oral or topical treatment, can be used to treat abdominal and joint pain, cough, diarrhoea, fever, tumours, diabetes, toning up the nervous system and removing fatigue etc. Most traditional uses of chalta in folk medicine are associated with anti-inflammatory purpose; for example, in Brazil the fruits are used in preparations for skin applications to treat inflammation.

            Scientists also standardized the methanol extract from the fruits of Dilleniaindica tobetulinic acid, which is a natural lupane-type pentacyclic triterpenoid. This acid was considered one of the major bioactive compounds in a study that reported anti-leukemic activity. Betulinic acid was also considered responsible for anti-inflammatory effects. Healing effects were also assessed different extracts from the fruit ultraviolet radiation (UV) induced psoriasis-like wounds in rats.

Chalta health benefits:

Treats hypertension:

            Chalta, being naturally low in cholesterol apart from possessing ample potassium, is an ideal remedy for those with hypertension. Eating a small portionchalta fruits with meals vastly lowers high blood pressures, regulates heartbeats, thereby promoting heart health and serves as a potent cardio-tonic.

Rejuvenates ageing skin:

            A treasure trove of three antioxidants - vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids, chalta fruits facilitate collagen synthesis to maintain the elasticity of skin. Drinking a glass of fresh chalta fruit juice immensely enriches skin texture, diminishing wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of ageing to give a youthful appearance. 

Boosts vitality and vigour:

            Loaded with calories, B-complex vitamins, proteins and healthy fats, elephant apples ensure high energy levels to maintain good metabolism, elevated brain operations, as well as enhanced stamina for physical and sexual activities. Adding some zesty elephant apple jam or pickle to meals will significantly raise energy levels.

Remedies kidney disorders:

            Just a few slices of a ripe elephant apple or chalta fruit juice with breakfast is a fantastic detox drink to cleanse the body from within and a great way to flush out toxins accumulated in the system, due to its umpteen powerful antioxidants. This enables the smooth functioning of kidneys, by getting rid of harmful free radicals and protecting them from renal diseases.

Alleviates anxiety and depression:

            The host of phytonutrients in chalta fruits, including sterols, saponins and tannins contain prominent neurotransmitter-modulating properties, which adjust neuronal signalling in the brain and normalize central nervous system function. This vastly improves memory, uplifts mood and efficiently pacifies anxious and depressed behaviour. 


            Chalta or elephant apple fruits are highly regarded as having supreme potential in bolstering physical and mental fitness, in addition to combating many ailments such as hypertension, kidney disease and anxiety. Adding these tart flavoured fruits in controlled portions to your diet for obtaining the fabulous health benefits they offer. Traditionally chalta is used as laxative and carminative. It also helps in relieving flatulence. Juice of the leaves, fruits and the bark is given orally for treatment of diarrhoea and Cancer. The review from various literaturesalso showed that the leaves, bark, fruits or the various parts of thefruit have extensive medicinal properties. It possesses various activities like Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Dysentery, Anti-diabetic and Anti-leukemic etc. Thus it has a wide range of activity which makes the fruit or the whole plant a gift for human being.  Despite of various medicinal values expressed by the plant, very little information is available about the phyto-chemical constituents till now. Therefore this prompted us to compile the information on its various phyto-chemical constituents which are the sources of good therapeutic value.


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