10 Benefits of a Banana

HEALTH /Nutrition:

Let us keep the cliché away! Consuming an apple every day can keep doctors away but are you aware of the fact that what good can be done to your body & mind with the intake of bananas every day? There are so many different constituents of a banana which can help you improve your health such as- carbohydrates, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, natural sugars, and potassium. All of the healthy nutrients it possesses makes it a superfood and must to have in our day-to-day life.

This perfect fruit is best because of its size, portion and ease to pair it with anything. You can also get bananas on your doorstep by using various online shopping portals and using bigbasket offers as well.

Here are best 10 reasons and benefits that why bananas should be added to your diet and consumed daily.

Morning Sickness

Many of the pregnant women suffer from morning sickness and they find a way to fight it. Banana is the perfect weapon for your combat with morning sickness. Banana helps us to restore the glucose level in blood with the help of its replenishing properties. It also helps you with nausea. Doctors always advise pregnant women to eat a banana after every meal and after waking up in the morning. A banana can easily lift up your mood and causes the proper growth of the unborn baby.

Health of Eye

Banana contains Vitamin A that is very much essential to the proper functioning and maintaining the health of the eye. Regular intake of this fat-soluble vitamin in sufficient quantity can reduce the likelihood of night blindness. Adding three or more serving of banana per day in your meal then the risk of muscular degeneration is decreased by 36% as compared to those who consume only one serving per day. This age-related problem is the reason for vision loss in maximum adults.

Cures Anemia

Lack of iron in our body is the main cause of many diseases we face including Anemia. Consuming iron-rich food can help our body in replenishing the essential mineral. Bananas are a very good source of Iron and can cure Anemia. Consuming bananas regularly alongside other iron-rich food can reduce the symptoms of Anemia including fast heartbeat, dizziness, shortage of breath, headache and fatigue.

Healthy Heart

Potassium is a mineral electrolyte available in a surplus amount in Banana and is essential for a healthy heart. The main role of Potassium is to travel from every cell to cell of your body and to carry oxygen. This mineral also helps in carrying oxygen to the brain through the circulatory system. By maintaining the health of the heart, it also ensures the proper heartbeat and the perfect balance of water in our body. It has been noticed that people to eat potassium-rich foods like banana are less vulnerable to stroke by preventing many heart-related diseases.

Delivering Natural Energy

Bananas are the best example of instant natural energy because of their perfect blend of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. On the other hand, a banana has the adequate amount of three natural occurring sugars i.e. glucose, sucrose, and fructose. The combination of these sugars is best known for their possession of energy potential. Bananas also are among few of those fruits which contain complex and simple carbohydrates to give endurance and quick energy respectively. To gain 90 minutes of strength you just have to eat 2 bananas.

Bowel movements

Consuming bananas on a regular basis can give you relief from a very irritating problem of irregular bowel movements. Insoluble fibers are present in a banana that can sweep and clean the intestines from inside by delivering an easy and soft bowel movements. Bananas that are not riped and eating too many of bananas without consuming an adequate amount of water can lead to constipation and gas. Although bananas are used in treating diarrhea as it contains pectin that is a fiber which water-soluble and absorbs fluids in the intestine.

Stomach Ulcers

Bananas help our stomach in two different ways, firstly they develop a thick layer of mucus that protects the intestines with acids. Secondly, bananas contain protease inhibitors, which are responsible for killing bacteria in the stomach that causes ulcers. Bananas also neutralize the acidity of the food that is the main reason for the formation of ulcers.

Weight loss

Most of the people nowadays are suffering from obesity and excess weight gain. If you are one of them and searching for something to help you out then banana is perfect for you. Bananas are rich in fiber and vitamins whereas low in fat. It absorbs water and swells fast by taking up space in your stomach. This, in turn, gives you the feeling of being full. With the help of Vitamin B present in it, banana also increases metabolism. The sweet taste of banana can surely ease your sweet tooth.

Mosquito Bites

One of the most irritating and painful things is mosquito bites. Banana peels can even treat the symptoms and effects of a mosquito bite. You just have to rub the peel on the area for 5 to 6 minutes and the burning or itching sensation on that area is prevented. In some cases, this remedy works better than some other ointments and other medications.


And yes, Depression is not a minor issue in your mind, it is psychological disease that might end up eating your body. According to a survey carried on the people suffering from depression, they started feeling better after consuming a banana on a regular basis. Serotonin, which is responsible for giving you a sensation of relief and relax, is converted from the Tryptophan that is a type of protein present in bananas. Even though if you are suffering from insomnia then you can just eat a banana before going to bed.

We hope that after reading this, you are going to include at least 2 bananas a day in your diet. And why not? Something so tasty yet so healthy is not supposed to be excluded at all. For a taste tip, try banana by slicing it and adding Nutella, tastes as yummy as it sounds to be!



Govt slashes prices of 41 medicines

Antacids, multivitamins, and antibiotics are among the medicines that will become cheaper, according to a notification issued by the Department of Pharmaceuticals and National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA).

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